Heart Matters: Jesus, Purity, and the Combustible Condition of the Soul

As we read through Leviticus, we encounter a long list of things that made a person unclean under the Law of Moses—certain foods, specific conditions, and external factors that separated people from worship and community. But then, in Mark 7, Jesus shifts the focus dramatically.

In a moment of bold teaching, He declares:
“Hear me, all of you, and understand: There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” (Mark 7:14-15, ESV)

Jesus then clarifies: It is not what enters the body that makes someone unclean, but what flows from within the heart. In doing so, He declares all foods clean (Mark 7:19). But more importantly, He points to the true source of defilement—the unfiltered condition of the human heart.

The Combustible Nature of the Heart

We often assume that external things—temptation, pressure, difficult circumstances—are what make us fall. But Jesus teaches something deeper: outside influences only ignite what already exists within.

Temptation is never random; it is always connected to something present in the heart. It is not simply external bait—it is an invitation toward something already stirring inside us. The external world acts as a match, but the fuel is already in place.

Which raises the question: What if there was nothing combustible in my heart?

Is it even possible to have a heart so purified that no outside force could ignite sin? Yes! This is exactly what Jesus calls us to—a heart so filled with love for God that it has no room for anything else.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, ESV)

A heart wholly consumed with the love of God is a heart that cannot be easily inflamed by temptation.

The Physical Universe Reveals the Heart

So often, we attempt to excuse our words, reactions, or behaviors by saying, "That’s not really my heart." But reality tells a different story.

The physical world—the way we speak, act, and respond—reveals what is truly within us. It is a mirror reflecting the deeper truths about our inner life. Jesus doesn’t look at appearances; He looks at the heart. But here’s the sobering truth: the heart eventually exposes itself through actions.

The universe does not lie. Our external actions are the overflow of our internal reality.

The Call to Heart Purification

If the issue isn’t external but internal, then the solution isn’t mere behavior modification—it’s heart transformation. That’s why Jesus speaks so often about purification. The problem isn’t food, traditions, or unclean hands; it’s an unclean heart. And the only remedy is nearness to God.

  • The more we love Him, the less room we have for anything else.
  • The more we are filled with His Spirit, the less we crave what defiles us.
  • The more we allow Him to purify us, the less combustible material exists in our hearts.

So the challenge is simple: What is being revealed in my life? If my external world is chaotic, maybe it’s time to let Jesus do a deeper work internally.

Jesus, purify my heart. Fill me with such love for You that nothing else has room to take root. Let my life be a reflection of the work You are doing inside me. Amen.

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Charles - March 10th, 2025 at 11:32am

Thank you Pastor Ryan for this message. I’ve just begun reading your blogs over the past few weeks. They are not only teachable moments, but an inspiration as well.

Florence Etienne - March 10th, 2025 at 11:59am

Yes, crises reveal character. Purify my heart God so that only what you invest in me can take root. Draw me near and keep me there.

Jacquelyn - March 10th, 2025 at 7:21pm

Thank you for the messages you send. They help me so much in my life and also reading Scripture, and learning, loving relationships with Jesus! The holy spirit is with me every day and I pray that it never leaves me!?❤️?

Michelle Estevez - March 13th, 2025 at 4:35am

Thank you, Pastor Ryan, for your teaching. This really helps to have a better understanding and hits home with respect to my life.

nMay the Lord continue to use you in a mighty way and fill you with His wisdom and knowledge.

July - March 13th, 2025 at 1:10pm

Thank you Pastor Ryan for sharing your wisdom thru this blog.