21 days of prayer and fasting

Weekly Prayer Focus

Week 1: "ME"
• Fix your eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) by spending time with God in worship, surrender, and
Ask Holy Spirit these questions and listen for Him to speak to you:
-What are You asking of me this year?
- What do I need to surrender?
- What are You showing me that I have been unwilling to see?
- What are You saying that I have been unwilling to hear?
- What areas of my life need to be re-prioritized?
• Pray for an increase of passion for God and the things of God

Week 2:  “US”
Life Church Staff and Families:
Pastor Ryan & Jennifer Deaton
Pastor Colin & Catherine Nanton
Pastor Delmar & Carolyn Gullett
Pastor Zac & Mikaela Camp (Selah, Sofia, Hayvn, Silas)
Caleb & Haley Deaton
Justin & Casey Barnes (Aliyah, Alexeah, Noah, Romilee, Raelynn)
Allyson Deaton
Bryce Mitchell
Sarah Deaton
Cole & Emma Kelley
Krista  & Rich Perdue
Nick Nameth

Care Leaders and Families:
Chase & Katie York (Madelyn, Max, Macy)
Brent & Kathryn Brown
Mark & Dianna Pettis
Bill & Fran Goldie

Ministries of Life Church (Pray for the team members and over those whose lives are impacted by these areas of ministry)
LC Youth
LC Kids
LC Young Adults
Worship Team
Life Music
Life School of the Arts
Life Groups and Life Group Leaders
Celebrate Recovery at Life

The planning and development phase of Life Academy

Week 3:  “Them” (Beyond “us”)

•International Partners/Ministries:
•Dr. David & Marilyn Deaton as they continue to expand their apostolic influence pouring
into leaders at home and abroad.
•David & Cece Hodges - Iglesia Vida (Life Church) Jicamarca, Peru
•Agustin &  Jessica Ciccia— Nuevas Fuerzas (New Strength Church) Lima, Peru
•Gustavo & Jenny Rodriguez - Misión Centro Cristiano de Avivamiento (Mission Christian
Revival Center) Lima, Peru
•Matthew & Aneta Godawa - Water of Life Church Koszalin, Poland
•Rostyslav and Sveta Kudin - Dawn of Life Church, Ukraine (Include praying for peace in the
war between Russia and Ukraine)
•Kurt & Debi Holthus - Hope International Ministries, Dominican Republic
•Randall & Jackie Darby - Guatemala City, Guatemala
•Skip & Dale Hults - Brasilia International School, Brasilia, Brazil
•Lulu Salazar - Antwerp, Belgium

•Pray for the Kingdom of God to advance in the 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence in our
Region & Nation.  For reference see: https://www.generals.org/the-seven-mountains
•Church (Religion)
•Arts & Entertainment

•Pray for Revival in our Region and Nation